Do you remember your first date with your husband? I bet you do! On my first date, my love and I went for a walk in New York City. We were walking around Manhattan for hours, talking about everything in the world. It started raining, and instead of hiding from the rain, we were jumping in puddles and singing out loud. We were so young and so happy. We were not thinking about the future too much. We were enjoying the moment and cherishing every second together. We felt like the happiest people in the world.
Here is a picture that my hubby took of me on our first date.

Several years, a wedding, and two children later, we are still madly in love. We still hold hands and kiss a lot. Not as much as we did before the kids:) Our children are our world. We love them more than anything and can’t imagine our life without them. Our two beautiful boys keep us very busy and never cease to amaze us.
Over time, we realized that we weren’t spending enough alone time together. We became adults and parents. We work, pay the bills, drive kids around, take care of the house, and change our names to “Mom” and “Dad”. Although parenting can make life busy and at times difficult, we should remember to nurture a romantic connection with our spouse.
I love spending time alone with my husband. It reminds me that I am still that girl and he is still that boy – excited, in love, and so happy. I need alone time with my husband. It reminds me that I am a Woman. Not a cook, a cleaning lady, or a babysitter, but a Woman. A Woman who loves her Man. A beautiful Woman. A desired Woman. My Man’s one and only Woman.
Valentine’s Day was approaching and I realized that I had not been on a date with my husband for a very long time. Moving and having a baby put everything else on hold. It felt like we were missing something important. I couldn’t quite understand what it was. Then it struck my mind… We needed a date! Since we do not have a babysitter, we decided to have a Valentine’s Day date at home.
Our date was amazing! Here are some tips on how to plan a successful home date:
- Put the kids to bed. This is very important:)
- Do your hair, make up, and put on your favorite dress. Pretend that you are going to a fancy restaurant.
- Decorate the table. Make it look very nice and romantic. Candles are a must!
- Serve your favorite food. Open a bottle of wine or champagne.
- Sit close. Flirt. Hold hands. Hug. Kiss.
- Forget about work, politics, television, etc. Talk only about each other. Reminisce about your first date, first kiss. Remember every detail.
- Put on romantic music and dance together. The song from your wedding first dance is sure to set the romantic mood.
- Tell your partner why you are in love with him. Tell him how much you love him and appreciate him. Let him tell you how much he loves and appreciates you. Listen, listen, listen! Enjoy every second. Warning: you may cry!
The most important thing is to find time to be with your partner. Because you are in love. Because you chose each other among billions of people. Because you deserve to be happy.