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Hello my Beautiful Friends!

Welcome to LRFit!

My name is Svetlana. I am a mother of three boys, a wife, a health & fitness enthusiast, and a lover of life. Prior to being a stay at home mom, I worked as a marketing and public relations consultant. On my fitness journey, I have experimented with many kinds of activities. At different points in my life I practiced yoga, ballroom dance, pilates, gymnastics, zumba, belly dance, trampoline, weights, partner acrobatics, aerial arts, and pole fitness. I took group classes as well as private classes from many great instructors. I could not get enough!! Then, at the peak of my fitness performance, I got pregnant.

I stayed very active until about 30 weeks into my pregnancy. Then we moved to the country, far away from my friends and my fitness classes. After the birth of my baby boy, I wanted to get back into shape. I found myself in the boonies, out of shape, and stressed out. I tried to follow several fitness channels on YouTube, I tried fitness DVD’s, but nothing worked for me. I couldn’t find a program that would be easy to follow, quick, and effective.

Taking care of my baby and family is no walk in the park. By the end of the day, I was too exhausted to even think about working out. Instead, I preferred to lay on the couch and snack. This didn’t serve me well, as I was putting extra weight on top of extra weight from my pregnancy. It was a double whammy. I was not happy =(

My breaking point occurred when I saw pictures from a family photo session. Who was that lady standing next to my husband and my kids? I was shocked. I decided to take an immediate action. I remembered what I had learned from years of working out and eating healthy. I did lots of additional research as well. With this knowledge, I developed a 5.5 Minute High Intensity Bodyweight Workout that served my goals:

  1. Burn Fat
  2. Build Muscle
  3. Improve Health
  4. Improve Mood / Reduce Stress
  5. Increase Energy Level
  6. Quick and Convenient

I developed the LRFit Workout Program.

I noticed results in less than a month! It was amazing. Exercising for 5.5 minutes 4 days a week drastically improved my physique and mood.

LRFit stands for Living Room Fitness. All you need is 5.5 minutes and some space in your home. No equipment necessary!

LRFit is a club for people who want to improve their health and their lives.

LRFit is a place where we can exercise together, support each other, share our progress, and our ups and downs on the road to a better us.

Click Here to see my “before and after” pictures

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