This Monday I attended a special screening of Miss Bala at the Austin Film Society. The movie was followed by a Q&A session with the director, Catherine Hardwicke. It was the first time that I have ever attended an event like this. It was so cool to meet Catherine and to ask her questions about the movie.
Miss Bala isn’t like all of the other action movies out there. Miss Bala is unique because it is a story about a normal woman, with no superpowers, that has to face unimaginable challenges without a knight in shining armor to save her. Miss Bala is real. She is not a secret agent or a Navy SEAL, but she gets the job done. She is a protector. She is a woman that discovers her inner power. Every woman has this inner power. Go watch Miss Bala and get inspired to find the power inside you!
Gina Rodriguez delivered a powerful performance! A performance that is guaranteed to give you goosebumps and to make you feel vulnerable and powerful at the same time.
Catherine Hardwicke is a genius and she totally nailed it! She is a true master of her craft and has earned her place as one of the greatest directors of our era.
Go see Miss Bala. Bring your friends. You will have a great time, I promise!
I’m sending a BIG THANK YOU to the Austin Film Society for hosting such a cool event, which included a cocktail party, movie screening, and Q&A with the director.
I’m sending a BIG THANK YOU to the actors and everyone involved in making this incredible movie.
I’m sending a BIG THANK YOU to Catherine Hardwicke for delivering an amazing movie despite having a limited time and budget (woman power!!). I am waiting for the sequel!
I’m sending a BIG THANK YOU to Women of Today for providing me the opportunity to attend this special event. You ladies rock!