Your life starts inside of Her. You see the world through Her eyes. She teaches you right from wrong. She takes your first steps with you. She takes your falls with you. She gives you your first kiss. She gives you unconditional love. She is your guardian angel who watches over you. No matter what, She never leaves your side. She laughs with you and She cries with you. She keeps all of your secrets safe. She is the only person in the world who will give Her life for yours. She knows you better than you know yourself. No matter what happens in life, you can always come back to Her nest for love and safety. You are a part of Her and She is a part of You.
Tell Her how much you love Her every day. She doesn’t need anything else. The only thing She needs is to hear that you love Her. If She is no longer with you, close you eyes, think about Her, and you will feel the warmth of Her arms around you. She is always watching out for you. She is always in your heart.
This post is dedicated to all Moms and to the four most beautiful, loving, and courageous women I know – Raisa, Renée, Elizaveta and Marie. I love you so much.